Test article

date: 2024-05-27 by undefinedCat

Hello! This is a test article designed to test makesite.

This heading is BIG

A bit smaller

Maybe a bit smaller?

Surely this is the smallest, right?

Sike! I'm smaller
Y'all peasants! I'm even smaller!

Did you know that you can make a link do ~~something~~ nothing with javascript:void(0) and here's some Python code:

def hello_world(name):
	print(f'Hello world, I'm {name}!')


Here's a quote:

If we can't, we won't

Some random company's car

Wow, a horizontal rule! I've never seen one like that!

What I want to do:

  1. sleep
  2. sleep
  3. sleep
  4. sleep

Why I need to sleep:

why is he on that TREE?

a kitten on a tree (click on this image!)